Future Fossils + Humans On The Loop with Michael Garfield
Humans On The Loop
186 - A Manifesto for Weird Science
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:03:18

186 - A Manifesto for Weird Science

or, “Why Isn’t There A Science of X?”

or, “Alchemy is to Chemistry as Astrology is to…?”

Relevant (/inciting) Facebook threads here (public-facing) and here (members-only group).


“If people don’t believe us after all the results we’ve produced, then they never will.”

“It’s time for a new era, for someone to figure out what the implications of our results are for human culture, for future study, and — if the findings are correct — what they say about our basic scientific attitude.”
– Robert G. Jahn

“We have been very open with our data. But how do you get peer review when you don’t have peers?”
– Brenda Dunne

“The culture of science, at its purest, is one of freedom in which any idea can be tested regardless of how far-fetched it might seem.”
– Benedict Carey, writing on the PEAR Lab for The New York Times


Unweaving The Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder
by Richard Dawkins

Re: Our Lady of Fátima

FF 26 - Jessa Gamble (Circadian Rhythms & The Science of Sleep)

Hybridizing Mechanism and MaxEnt: Ecological Theory for the AnthropoceneSFI Seminar by John Harte
Re: dissipative structures and evolution as an algorithm optimizing coverage of search-space

Re: Criticisms of The Bell Curve
(1995) https://www.brookings.edu/articles/does-the-bell-curve-ring-true-a-closer-look-at-a-grim-portrait-of-american-society/
(2017) https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/voices/the-real-problem-with-charles-murray-and-the-bell-curve/

Re: science vs. myth; sacred texts across the developmental spectrum

CP 60 - Andrea Wulf on The Invention of Nature, Part 1: Humboldt's Naturegemälde

CP 61 - Andrea Wulf on The Invention of Nature, Part 2: Humboldt's Dangerous Idea

Re: Occam’s Razor

CP 72 - Simon DeDeo on Good Explanations and Diseases of Epistemology

Supertheories and Consilience from Alchemy to Electromagnetism
by Simon DeDeo

Re: The Royal Society’s platypus skepticism

Darwin’s Pharmacy: Sex, Plants, and The Evolution of the Noosphere
by Richard Doyle

Technologists of Attention (2016 MG talk at The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors)
Re: the attention manifold, curvature, evolution, and manipulation of
(a 2.5 hour commentary on Darwin’s Pharmacy)

Aviv Bergman’s 2022 SFI Seminar on evolution, robustness, and metastasis


Ecology and economics for pandemic prevention
by Andrew Dobson et al.

On The Edge with Roland Harwood 35 - Michael Garfield on The Purpose of Polymaths



Re: The RAVE Act

RE: What is and is not computable

FF 117 - Eric Wargo on Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious

FF 171 - Eric Wargo on Precognitive Dreamwork and The Philosophy of Time Travel

An association between geomagnetic activity and dream bizarreness
by Darren Lipnicki

Do ambient electromagnetic fields affect behaviour? A demonstration of the relationship between geomagnetic storm activity and suicide
by Michael Berk, Seetal Dodd, Margaret Henry

Integral Ecology: Uniting Multiple Perspectives on The Natural World
by Sean Esbjörn-Hargens and Michael Zimmmerman

FF 60 - Sean Esbjörn-Hargens Goes Meta on Everything: Integral Ecology & Impact

FF 150 - A Unifying Meta-Theory of UFOs & The Weird with Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

W. Brian Arthur on Economics in Nouns & Verbs

Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology After the End of the World
by Timothy Morton

The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab

On Doug Rushkoff and Chronobiology

CP 48 - Peter Dodds on Text-Based Timeline Analysis & New Instruments for The Science of Stories

Re: Zen and Great Doubt


Recent Patron’s Only Writing: “The Future Is Noisy”

Cover image ripped from Camille Flammarion, L’Atmosphère: Météorologie Populaire (Paris, 1888)


• If you're not already doing so, please help me keep this podcast going (and hopefully thriving) by supporting Future Fossils on Patreon. (Even if you're broke, you can leave a good review on Apple Podcasts as a testament to future archaeologists!) As a patron you get copious extra episodes plus the invitation to our book club calls, early access to my new writing, art, and music, and the opportunity to go wild in our very active members-only Facebook group and Discord server.

• You can also find and obtain all the books we discuss on this show at the Future Fossils Bookshop. (I love Bookshop.org because it's a small but still nontrivial diversion of excess funds away from Amazon and toward local booksellers...and I get a tiny piece of every sale at no additional cost to you-the-buyer.)

• This episode's intro and outro music is "You're In My Self-Portrait" by Michael Garfield on Golden Hour (2012). Like the rest of my music, that album is pay-whatever-you-want, so have at it. (And while none of it appears in this episode, do please also burn one to my latest live album, recorded at Meow Wolf Santa Fe while opening for DeVotchKa.)


• Venmo: @futurefossils
• PayPal.me/michaelgarfield

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