Ep 06 – New Selves of Neural Media & AI as 'The Poison Path' with K Allado-McDowell

Entering hyperspace with computers through ecological art forms.

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This week we speak with K Allado-McDowell, artist, musician, and co-founder of the Artists & Machine Intelligence program at Google. K pioneered human-computer co-authorship with the book Pharmako-AI, as well as Air Age Blueprint, Amor Cringe, and the graphic novel Outside, plus works in opera and ritual. Their work reveals the human as inherently relational and ecological, technology as something nature’s doing, and the new vistas made legible by technology as a fertile zone within which we can redefine identity and story from a radically transformed awareness. Pharmako-AI, the first book to be co-written with GPT-3 in 2020, sets the tone: mutually interdependent co-arising of selfhood through linguistic interactions between animal, vegetable, and mineral intelligences, AI as an adjunct to our awakening sense of co-imbrication in and as a plural and evolving world.

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0:00:00 – Teaser
0:01:34 – Intro
0:06:54 – Who is Kenric Allado-McDowell?
0:13:12 – Entering Linguistic Hyperspace
0:31:36 – Neural, Network, Immersive, Broadcast Media
0:48:10 – The Poison Path of Machine Intelligence
1:05:10 – Post-Cyperpunk Love & Nonduality
1:17:55 – Recommendations
1:21:02 – Outro


K’s “Neural Interpellation
K’s “Designing Neural Media
Dale Pendell’s Pharmako/Gnosis: Plant Teachers and The Poison Path
K in conversation with Erik Davis at The Alembic
Jacques Vallee’s The Invisible College
John Keats
Richard Doyle
Eduardo Kohn
David Abrams’ The Spell of The Sensuous
Robert Rauschenberg
John Cage
Bell Labs
Fred Turner’s The Democratic Surround
Stanford University
The Committee for National Morale
Margaret Mead
Gregory Bateson
Charles & Ray Eames
Edward Steichen
Stan VanDerBeek
Terence McKenna
Replika AI
Ray Kurzweil
Joseph Schumpeter
Jakob Johann von Uexküll
Jean Baudrillard
Miike Snow
John Danaher
Rudolf Steiner
Timothy Morton
Alexander Von Humboldt
Andrea Wulf
Nick Land
Nora Khan
 Paul Preciado