While I am not directly involved in tech, one of my goals with Humanity’s Shift this year is to focus more on the intersection of wisdom and technological advance. I think that represents the whole sum of our future, actually. Looking forward to learning more.

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Right on!

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> “How can wisdom keep pace with power?”

With great difficulty 😉 and our wisdom gap keeps growing - https://notes.lifeitself.org/wisdom-gap

A core part of wisdom is *slowing down*. The question is how to do that, especially given the clear race dynamics and associated collective action problems. It's not impossible however.

More in https://secondrenaissance.substack.com/p/wiser-technology-technology-and-a

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Right on! Agreed...negative feedback loops need to be part of the organism or cancer just proliferates and kills it. Physicist Geoffrey West and biologist Manfred Laubichler on this:


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Great stuff, Michael.

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Thank you! I'm aware we are overdue for a catch-up. Had to get married but will tune in with you as soon as I can!

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Many resonant themes with my mindset, techniques and technologies. I feel your work’s energetic and conscious undercurrents. I’m sure we’d talk for hours and plan for days building a forever empowering future.

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Thanks so much! Feel free to tell me more about your projects...

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Hello Michael, I have been an infrequent listener of your podcast over the years - wishing you all the success with the new project! You might find some synergy with my newsletter, too. Cheers, Aki

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Right on, thank you — and subscribed! Definitely looks like we have some deep commonalities and I look forward to digging in.

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